Mrs. Caldwell

Hello My Name Is...

Mrs. Caldwell

VPI Preschool

Our preschool classroom is designed around the High/Scope approach and uses Active Learning.  Our discipline model is, Conscientious Discipline. 

High/Scope has 58 key developmental indicators that are evident in the preschool classroom.

Your child will be learning through work time.  At work time, the child PLANS to go to a particular area in the room. There are 4 main areas of the room: The block area, art area, house area, and toy/book area.

Each day your child will experience a small group activity.  In the small group activity the children will contain components of the key developmental indicators.  At all times, the activity is not to provide an END product, but focus on the PROCESS.  For example:  Read The VeryHungry Caterpillar and  looked at Circles.  Each child was presented different size circles and given a larger piece of paper.  At small group the children were able to cut, glue, and color. Each child works at different paces and we accommodate for each child developmentally. 

Conscientious discipline incorporates a "safe zone" in the class.  At this area the child can gain control if needed or just go to be by themselves.  This curriculum incorporates a School Community and school family.

High Scope